March 4 - Difference in the Neighborhood

This week's text - Psalm 139 (Key verse 139:14 - I am fearfully and wonderfully made.) Take time to read!
- Reflect on the text:
What sticks out to you?
What questions does it raise for you?

Main Question: How do we treat difference in our community? In our own lives?

Mr. Rogers talked to each and every person as if they mattered because they do. One of Cyndi Laupers’ more popular songs is “True Colors” - "I see your true colors and that’s why I love you." (Feel free to stop & YouTube this!)

This week's take away - When we look past the differences and see the true colors in the people around us - that is when we treat them with the love and respect they deserve.

*Highs & Lows*

As partners, try to identify 5 things about yourselves that are similar & 5 things that are different.

I could be described as quirky because...

One of my hidden talents is...

When I think of different (or difference) the first thing that comes to mind is...

In my opinion, difference/being different is often viewed as... I think this is because...

How do we talk to those of other ages, differently abled, and “outsiders?”

How do people measure each other? Helpful ways? Unhelpful ways?

When is measuring ok? When is it not ok?

What does it take for a person to deeply know another person?

God's love helps me love others when...

I affirm others when...

*Have you checked out the Stations of the Cross in the chapel? If not, be sure to take time one of these weeks to go through it!

*Live it challenge - Learn one thing about someone that is markedly different than you. Be ready to share with each other next week!

*Prayer time – Pray for each other’s highs & lows. 
Dear God, thank you for (highs). Please be with us as we deal with (lows).

