
Showing posts from February, 2020

March 4 - Difference in the Neighborhood

This week's clip -   This week's text - Psalm 139 (Key verse 139:14 - I am fearfully and wonderfully made.) Take time to read! - Reflect on the text: What sticks out to you? What questions does it raise for you? Main Question: How do we treat difference in our community? In our own lives? Mr. Rogers talked to each and every person as if they mattered because they do. One of Cyndi Laupers’ more popular songs is “True Colors” - " I see your true colors and that’s why I love you." (Feel free to stop & YouTube this!) This week's take away - When we look past the differences and see the true colors in the people around us - that is when we treat them with the love and respect they deserve. *Highs & Lows* As partners, try to identify 5 things about yourselves that are similar & 5 things that are different. I could be described as quirky because... One of my hidden...

Week 1 - Newbies

For partners that DON’T know each other yet! Week 1 Mentors and Mentees: Start your meeting together by introducing yourself &  sharing your highs and lows from as far back as the new year up til now. What have been some of the best things happening so far this year? What about the not so best?   Then take a few minutes and get to know each other with the following questions.  You don’t have to answer all of them, but pick and choose ones that you are interested in asking and answering…  There’s also a prayer outline on back if you wish to pray together… v    Where are you from? ·           Where do you live? ·           Have you always lived there? ·           What school do you go to? ·           What do you like/dislike about where you are? · ...

Week 1 - Existing Relationship

Hello Again! For partners that know each other Week 1 Hello again! Start your meeting together by sharing your highs and lows from as far back as the new year up til now. What's been the best thing & worst thing that's happened for you?  Then take a few minutes and get reacquainted/catch up. You don’t have to answer all of the questions, but pick and choose ones that you are interested in asking and answering… Also included is a Bible reading & some questions if you'd like to go that route. Just make sure you get in to the Ash Wednesday service by 7:00! v   How's your family doing? ·          Any recent joys or celebrations? ·          How about struggles or difficulties happening? v   School & work: These take up the majority of our time don't they? ·          What are your classes ri...

Mentoring 101

Why? Our Lent mentoring ministry exists to give kids one more adult in their lives that they can talk to, trust, and by whom to be guided in their faith journey.  In the words of Hebrews 12:1, to add to kids’ “cloud of witnesses" or simply put, their support network!  Mentoring is how we choose to be intentional about the more reflective season of Lent while maintaining our focus on relational ministry. Who? AAA adults!  Authentic – Be yourself. Available – Outside of church if able, but with appropriate boundaries. Affirming – Be a voice of encouragement & support. What? One-to-one mentoring conversations.  These will focus on relationship-building and the Lenten series theme. You will be given a discussion guide each week. This Lent our theme is “A Beautiful Day In the Neighborhood”.  Ash Wednesday will be a traditional service with an introduction to the theme and then we’ll spend the next five weeks hearing about the topics of differen...

Lent theme & background info

Hello Mentors & welcome to the neighborhood! You can use the following links & notes to help inform your mentoring conversations. Lent series - ”A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” Links:  THEME SONG:   Documentary Trailer:   Mr Rogers Goodbye: Good clip:   February 26, 2020  - ASH WEDNESDAY - regular Ash Wed service Week 1 - March 4: Difference in the Neighborhood Notes: Jeff Erlanger   Psalm 139 - key verse - 139:14 - I am fearfully and wonderfully made  Main Question: how do we treat difference in our community?  Mr Rogers talked to each and every person as if they mattered because they do.  How do we talk to kids, differently abled, and “outsiders?” Week 2 ...