April 1: Being You in the Neighborhood

Worship online with us Wednesday at 7:00pm via Facebook

Dear mentors & mentees,
This is our last official week of mentoring. For you 6th & 7th grade pairs, make sure you discuss  plans for Lent next year. Will you be able to continue together (please send me an email either yes or no, brenth@princeofpeacechurch.org)? Are there ways you might stay in touch throughout the year if possible? And 8th grade pairs this is your last year! While we don't require it of you, but hopefully you'll consider what it might look like to maintain some level of mentor/mentee relationship into the future. 

*Highs & Lows* (Don't hesitate to spend most of the time here)

- How are you doing in these circumstances? What has been challenging? What has been going well?
-Presently, my biggest obstacle is...
-What I have going for me is...
Live it challenge - Check in about last week (were you able to be helpful in some way?)

This week - Can you make an affirmation list about yourself? List 5-10 things that you like most about yourself. Then, invite a friend or family member to do the same!
Speaking this week - Natalia

This week's video: Mister Rogers: A conversation about self-esteem, feelings, and love

Takeaway - We often hear to “love our neighbor as ourselves” but how do we really love ourselves?
What does it mean to be unique and to be a person with gifts and flaws, and how can we see others that same way? 
Mr Rogers often uses the language “Just as you are” to describe how we are loved.
What might it look like to see ourselves as loved, just as we are, and also see others as loved just as THEY are? 

Scripture- 1 John 4: 7-16
What stuck out to you?
What raised questions for you?

If the world revolved around me...

Who cheers for you in life?

Who has helped/is helping you become you? 

What most people don't see about me is...

A time I received a compliment I can still remember is...

Some qualities I admire about other people are...

God's love helps me to love myself by...

I like being me most when...

In what ways are you needed? (By your family? Friends? Your community? Your church?)

What kinds of things give you a sense of confidence? 

(To share for each other) One of God's purposes for you may be...

Close in prayer
- Pray for your highs & lows
-Thank God for this time you've had together
- For anything else that's on your hearts & minds!
