March 11 - Love in the Neighborhood

This week's notes:

Video clip - Officer Cleamons in the pool with Mr Rogers 

Scripture - Deuteronomy 10:17-22, Acts 8:26-40, 1 John 4:7-10 

This week's main idea - Jesus welcomed all people. How can we live - so that every person becomes our "sibling" in Christ?

Live it challenge - Do you know at least 5 of your neighbors by name? (if yes already, learn more!)

*Highs & Lows*

People annoy me when...

People can be fun when...

Activity idea - Look up/Name five songs that have the word love in them ...

Who is my neighbor?

What are the boundaries of my neighborhood? Who sets those boundaries? 
What might Jesus say about those boundaries?

Is love possible without risk? If so, how; and if not, why not?

Love is an action when...

Love is a choice when...

Some of the challenges of loving others are...

I like to be around people when...

I like to be away from people when...

I admit I become self-centered when...

God's love helps me to love others when...

I am a caring person when I ...

What makes someone a welcoming person?

I affirm others by...

*Prayer time – Pray for each other’s highs & lows. 
Dear God, thank you for (highs). Please be with us as we deal with (lows).

