March 18: Forgiveness in the Neighborhood

March 18: Forgiveness in the Neighborhood

Worship online with us Wednesday at 7:00pm via

*Highs & Lows*
Live it challenge - Check in about last week (how many neighbors do you know?)
This week - Have you hurt someone? Reach out to apologize.

Psalm 103:8-19, Matthew 18:21-22

Reflect: What parts stuck out to you? What questions did they raise for you?

Read before diving into conversation starters-
Important to note - Forgiving someone does NOT mean giving them a free pass to hurt you again.
Forgiveness is different from condoning, excusing, forgetting, pardoning, and reconciliation. 
Nor is there an expectation of having to forgive immediately.

The good news for us, when it comes to forgiveness, is that God forgives us all.
God loves us, even when we have a hard time, or are even unable, to forgive.

Questions encouraged by Stacey:
·       Mr. Rogers used clay to work through his anger. Brainstorm some ways we can healthily process through our anger/sadness/tough emotions we feel when someone has wronged us
·       What does it look like to ask for forgiveness? ie say your sorry, be sincere
·       How do you feel when someone forgives you? When you forgive someone else?
·       What does forgiveness mean to you?

·       What is one thing that you struggle to let go of? Either something you need forgiveness for or something you need to forgive someone of?

Check out this story on forgiveness,

When it comes to conflict, I typically...

Three things I will actually get upset about are...

What does forgiveness mean to you?

Why is it so hard to forgive sometimes? 

In the Lord's Prayer we pray forgive us our trespasses (sins) as we forgive those who trespass against us.

Look at Martin Luther's explanation from the Small Catechism
What does this mean?-
We pray in this petition that our Father in heaven would not look upon our sins, nor deny such petitions on account of them; for we are worthy of none of the things for which we pray, neither have we deserved them; but that He would grant them all to us by grace; for we daily sin much, and indeed deserve nothing but punishment. So will we verily, on our part, also heartily forgive and also readily do good to those who sin against us.

What sticks out to you from Luther's explanation? What is challenging?

A time I was wronged was...

A time I did wrong to someone was...

A time I was forgiven was...

A time I forgave was...

*Prayer time – Pray for each other’s highs & lows. 
Dear God, thank you for (highs). Please be with us as we deal with (lows).

