Week 4 - March 25: Helpers in the Neighborhood

Worship online with us Wednesday at 7:00pm via Facebook

*Highs & Lows* (Don't hesitate to spend most of the time here)

- How are you doing in these circumstances? What has been challenging? What has been going well?
-Presently, my biggest obstacle is...
-What I have going for me is...
Live it challenge - Check in about last week (was there an apology for you to make?)

This week - What is one thing you can do to help in your circle of influence/your community?

Takeaway - We are all helpers, we just need to be reminded of it.

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 8:1-7, Luke 10:25-37

What stuck out to you?
What raised questions for you?
According to these texts, who can be a helper?

What has been good today, or where have you seen God?

At POP we talk about reaching out with the love of Jesus (From our mission to Grow Deep & Reach Out.) What does that look like to you?

What helpers have you seen/heard about in the last couple of weeks?

Can you think of any new needs that arose to which solutions had to be found?

A time I really remember someone helping me was when...

Who are the helpers around you today?

For consideration down the road...
There is this quote I (Brent) learned a long time ago,

“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” -Frederick Buechner

So what about you, what are some of the things you find joy in? What are the times/things you do when you feel the most self confident? 

Do you have a "hidden talent"? 

What needs (hunger) do you see in your life? 

Is there a place these things might intersect for you? 
(i.e. in my case, I have found joy in working with young people and was able to connect that to a career in ministry) 

Three things I would like to be remembered for are...

How can you be a helper today?
